Sunday, June 30, 2013

AP Bio Pictures

6/24-6/30  A picture of a Desert Night Lizard. This is an example of a heterothroph. This means that it cannot produce its own food, it has to hunt or scavenge for its food.
6/24-6/30 A picture of woodlice. These are examples of detritovores. This means that they feed mainly on dead plant matter.
6/24-6/30 A picture of ants. They are an example of animals with segmented bodies. Like all insects,  ant's bodies are broken into three parts; a head, a thorax, and an abdomen.
6/24-6/30 A picture of a wasp and a bee. This is an example of predation.The wasp is attacking and eating the bee which makes the wasp a predator.
6/24-6/30 A picture of a cactus. This is an example of modified leaves of a plant. The leaves of the cactus modified into needles for its own protection.
6/24-6/30 A picture of a Joshua Tree fruit. This is an example of the cuticle layer of a plant. The cuticle layer of a plant helps protect the plant.
6/31-7/7 A picture of various molted skins. This is an example of an exoskeleton.The exoskeleton is basically a skeleton around an organism and it on insects and arachnids.
6/31-7/7 A picture of a woodpecker. This is an example of the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle only happens in flying animals and this cycle helps the organism produce energy.
6/31-7/7 A picture of moss on a tree. This is an example of a lichen. A lichen is a fungus that is common on trees and rocks.
6/31-7/7 A picture of an pine tree. This is an example of a gymnosperm leaf. A gymnosperm leaf is a leaf that is apart of a plant that reproduces with an exposed seed.

6/31-7/7 A picture of a bush. This is an example of an autotroph. An autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food.
6/31-7/7 A picture of a bee. This is an example of a pollinator. The helps pollinate flowers, which is the way the plant reproduces.
7/8-7/14 A picture of a fungus growing off a tree. This is an example of a basidiomycete. A basidiomycete is a fungus that sexually produce spores.
7/8-7/14 A picture of a Joshua Tree. This is an example of an adaptation of a plant.The Joshua Tree adapted by becoming sharp to protect itself.
7/8-7/14 A picture of a cactus. This is an example of a CAM plant. A CAM plant adapts to desert like conditions by only opening its stomata at night and then closing them in the day.
7/8-7/14 A picture of a cactus flower. This shows the flower's anther and filament of its stamen.The anther and filament in a flower produce pollen.
7/8-7/14 A picture of a pine cone. This is an example of a female gymnosperm cone. The cone of a gymnosperm plant contains the seeds for its reproduction.
7/8-7/14 A picture of tree sap. This is an example of glycogen as it is found within the sap. Glycogen can be easily converted into glucose for energy.
 7/8-7/14 A picture of fallen seeds. This is an example of seed dispersal by wind. Seed dispersal helps plant species get their seeds to sprout in many areas which helps it succeed.
7/8-7/14 A picture of a flower. This is an example of a flower ovary as it is found within the flower. The flower ovary helps with its reproduction.
 7/15-7/21 A picture of a flowering plant. This is an example of the auxin producing area of a plant. Auxin helps a plant grow by stimulating various functions of the plant.
 7/15-7/21 A picture of a tree trunk. This shows the cambium layer of the tree. The cambium layer produces more phloem and xylem layers in a plant.
 7/15-7/21 A picture of an tree leaf. This is an example of cellulose which is found within the cell wall of any plant.
7/15-7/21 A picture of a stem of a plant. This is an example of a modified stem of a plant. The stem modified to have thorns as a form of protection.
7/15-7/21 A picture of dying plants. This is an example of fermentation. Fermentation occurs when plant matter decays by yeast and bacteria to form carbon dioxide and alcohol.
 7/15-7/21 A picture of a Monarch Butterfly. This is an example of aposematic coloring. Aposematic coloring shows predators that the prey is distasteful or poisonous.
 7/22-7/28 A picture of a bird. This is an example of an endotherm, which is a warm-blooded animal.
  7/22-7/28 A picture of a a hand. This is an example of connective tissues which is inside the body keeping muscle and bone connected.
  7/22-7/28 A picture of a moth. This is an example of bilateral symmetry as most moths and butterflies are symmetrical.
  7/22-7/28 A picture of grass. This is an example of coleoptiles as grass comes out of this protective layer.
  7/22-7/28 A picture of a snake. This is an example of an ectotherm, which is a cold-blooded animal.
 7/22-7/28 A picture of a wet plant. This is an example of adhesion and cohesion. Adhesion happens when water sticks onto anything solid and cohesion happens when water sticks to water.
 7/29-8/4 A picture of a black bumble bee and a flower. This is an example of mutualism as the bee gets pollen and the flower gets pollinated. 
  7/29-8/4 A picture of a type of aloe vera plant. This is an example of tropism as the plant is growing on the side with the most sunlight.
  7/29-8/4 A picture of plant. This is an example of homeostasis as the plant is completely regulated.
  7/29-8/4 A picture of a palm tree. This is an example of a frond. A frond is a leaf that is divided to create many other leaves.
  7/29-8/4 A picture of aphids on a plant. They show an example of parasitism as they benefit from the plant while the plant suffers loss of fluids.
  7/29-8/4 A picture of a grape plant. This is an example of a C3 plant. A C3 plant uses C3 to help convert CO2 into compounds.
  7/29-8/4 A picture of crab grass. This is an example of a C4 plant. A C4 plant turns CO2 into C4 before it goes through the Calvin cycle.
  7/29-8/4 A picture of a fruiting plant. This is an example of ethylene. Ethylene is an airborne plant hormone that helps stimulate growth.
  7/29-8/4 A picture of acorns. This is an example of an endosperm. An endosperm is a tissue within the seed that carries nutrients for the embryo.
 8/5-8/11 A picture of a worm. This is an example of a coelomate. A coelomate is an organism that has a coelom, which is a fluid filled sac in the organism's body.
 8/5-8/11 A picture of cactus flower. This is an example of a stigma and style of carpel. The stigma is where pollen goes to fertilize the flower.
 8/5-8/11 A picture of a snail shell. This is an example of chitin. Chitin is found within the snail shell and also in crab shells and exoskeletons.
 8/5-8/11 A picture of a snail. This is an example of a hermaphrodite. A hermaphrodite is an organism that has male and female reproductive organs.
 8/5-8/11 A picture of a scorpion. This is an example of a r-strategist. An r-strategist will have small offspring but lots of them and a scorpion can have up to 90 small offspring.
 8/5-8/11 A picture of a plant. This shows an example of a hydrophobic plant. When an organism is hydrophobic, it will be resistant to water.
 8/5-8/11 A picture of a plant. This is an example of a hydrophilic plant. When an organism is hydrophilic, it will absorb water quickly.
 8/5-8/11A picture of a weed. This is an example of a meristem. Meristem cells help a plant grow upwards or downwards.
 8/5-8/11 A picture of a tree trunk. This is an example the xylem layer of a tree. The xylem layer helps move water throughout a plant.

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